Antidepressant and anxiety medication that works without the negative side effects

Are you tired of emotional numbness, difficult withdrawal, sexual dysfunction, and weight gain?
Let Joyous help you try an alternative treatment option!
The Joyous treatment plan has:
- No sexual side effects
- No weight gain
- No emotional numbness or aggressive tendencies
- Withdrawal symptoms are rare in our clinical setting
And can provide:
- Healthy brain stimulation/neuroplasticity
- Improved mood
- Improved sleep quality
- Improved outlook on life
Traditional mental health care treatments have commonly disappointed and underperformed for patients looking for anxiety, depression and stress relief. Antidepressants and SSRIs have commonly reported side effects among patients including:
- Persistent sexual dysfunction: More than 50% of people taking antidepressants experience ongoing sexual dysfunction and decreased libido
- Significant weight-gain: Approximately half of people who take antidepressants suffer from weight gain
- Emotional numbness: 50% report feeling emotional numbness - often describing that they no longer feel like themselves
- Aggressive and dangerous tendencies: Evidence suggests that pharmaceutical companies haven’t been transparent about some of the more intense side effects of these medications, including aggressiveness and suicidality
- Severe withdrawal symptoms: A recent complaint made by psychiatrists and their patients claim that the public has been misled about the realities of discontinuing antidepressant medication. These psychiatrists report that some of their patients have suffered from withdrawal symptoms from discontinuing SSRIs between 11 months and 10 years. On average, a survey of 800 patients found that withdrawal symptoms from SSRIs persist 6 weeks, with 25% of participants reporting 12 weeks of withdrawal symptoms.
Except for very severe depression, antidepressants rarely work better than placebo. When they do work, their effect is minimal (reducing depression by an average of two points on a 52-point scale).
The Joyous treatment plan offers patients a new kind of mental health care!
Joyous utilizes a proprietary low dose ketamine protocol that can produce immediate calming effects, and can spark the beginning of gradual and consistent mental health improvement. Each patient receives daily guidance and custom recommendations on how to optimize their treatment through our digital protocol technology, and side effects and progress are tracked virtually by our providers. These recommendations are based on how the patient reports they are feeling throughout their treatment.
We believe mental health is a priority not a privilege.
Our goal is to help as many people as possible gain access to high quality mental health care that will improve their overall quality of life.